Saturday, August 6, 2011

Biggest Loser Diet

Most of you must have seen the popular program on television; the biggest loser. And each time a contestant shows up thinner than ever, you are left wondering; what do they actually do to lose so much weight? The secret is simple; a low carb diet and a rigorous workout regime.

Now, isn’t it the same thing that you have been doing for a long time and yet you have not been able to win the battle of the bulge. Well the answer lies in their diet chart.

Contestants at the biggest loser contestants were served on a diet, which is popularly termed as 4-3-2-1 pyramid. Let us discuss the concept in detail.

As it is, the contestants were required to have four meals per day, consisting of fruits and vegetables, such that, you have two servings of fruits and two servings of vegetables. One fruit serving here refers to quantity equivalent to one cup, or eight ounces; similar to that of the vegetables.

Three refers to the number of protein servings that the contestants were required to have. The contestants were given a choice to choose between vegetarian, animal protein and low fat dairy protein. As it is, here too, one serving is equal to one cup or eight ounces.

Two refers to the number of servings of whole grain, which you need to have. So is it, in the case of biggest loser; contestants were required to have two servings of whole grain food. It usually include, two slices of bread, with calorie intake of less than forty five per slice. Apart from that, they were required to have one wholegrain bun and one cup of cooked barley, brown rice, oats etc.

Now, this might be something to rejoice. One refers to the number of servings that you can have of foods that classify for the tempting category i.e. foods which do not fall in any of the above categories. This category includes foods such as sugar free desserts, saturated fats, low fat butter and sauces. However, you must remember, not to go for an intake, higher than two hundred calories per day.

The biggest loser diet schedule can play a very vital role in helping you lose weight fast and quick. However, it should be mentioned here that, only a diet chart would not do much benefit, as in the case of many contestants, who got eliminated, simply because, they did not follow the exercise regime. It would therefore be in your best interest, to follow your exercise regime with diligence, along with the diet chart.

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